Summer Term Week 3

We hope the children have enjoyed their week, we have been exercising our socks off! Lots of brilliant games and activities during circle times and play outside. We have been playing jumping beans, an exercise game where we roll the dice for different activities, yoga and we have made a big spider web, crawling and climbing over the string! Balancing, obstacle courses, co-ordination and using a straw to blow little plastics balls along a shute – lots of bending over and hard work chasing and collecting the balls.

Outside we have had a garage and bike repair centre, a car wash and we have had the bikes out all week with new registration plates on them to support looking at letters and numbers while washing and riding the bikes. there have been some muddy puddles to splash in and our mud kitchen is looking very inviting as well.

Inside we have been enjoying wedding role play, lots of beautiful photos and pretend weddings, banquets and food choices, flowers and even a real wedding dress!

We have had 3 mornings on Mini Forest School – Tues/Wed and Friday and the children absolutely love these sessions. The Stars continue with them until the half term and then the Sun and Moon children go back into the sessions.

Robot Reg has come to visit again this week and the Moon group loved their walk up to the Church, and loved exploring St.Andrews and chatting all the way there and back!

Our caterpillars are growing well and the Sun room is in the lead with 3 chrysalises formed already. Our sun table has been home to mini beast trays, butterfly craft, sorting the worms colour game and our mini beast Understanding the World box. Alongside that we have been developing our painting provision – moving the easel inside so that we can help the children more easily, support them to choose colours and paint their picture and then we can ensure it is named and kept safe ready to go home.

Next week we are CLOSED on Monday, and when we are all back on Tuesday we will be playing castles and knights in the garden, hairdressers inside (this group of children love role play!), learning how to use scissors and tools and lots of mark making too.

We are very close to completing our Walk the Moon challenge with 92% of the total walked! Well done all – a nice long bank holiday walk from you all should get us to our target – the challenge finishes at the end of the month for national Walk to School day!

Have a lovely long weekend.