Summer Term Week 2

We have continued with our pirate theme this week following on from the wonderful role play and games last week, it has been a really engaging theme and I wish I had taken a photo of every single one of the brilliant games, puzzles, activities, craft and circle times that have all been along the pirate theme!

The group leaders are brilliant and have really created a wonderful week of learning for the children.

The Star group have been using pirate treasure to count, counting gold coins into treasure chests and finding coins in a sandpit with numbers on them. The Star group have also enjoyed mini forest school on Thursday and Friday mornings with Sophie. We are going to add in two Tuesday am sessions and one Wednesday session so that most of the Star group will have enjoyed that experience.

The Moon and Sun group have played pirate pattern games, matching coins in a pattern, bingo, counting gold nuggets and coins and writing and tallying numbers too. Pirate yoga, counting and matching numbers and a pirate pairs game. Robot Reg came to visit on Thursday and Friday afternoons.

Our caterpillars have arrived and each room has a set of 5 which will grow and then form their crysalis and then a beautiful butterfly will emerge from each! Hopefully in about 3 weeks time and we will set them free in our garden during a special picnic afternoon for the children.

Next week we are having a focus on physical development and weddings! We will be working on our strength, we will have all the bikes and tractors out as well with all of the kit needing a good wash and tidy up, with new numbers to add and a garage and workshop too.

Your key person will be sharing next steps over the coming week and the children who are starting school will have a Strong for School leaflet from us as their next step. We have a key person meeting on Monday and we will be discussing all of the children’s progress and nurture groups for this half term will be organised, you will get a little slip of paper about the group if your child is in one. Any further questions please do ask.

We have spaces for September 2024 for 2 and 3 and 4 year olds, we are busy on a Thursday and Friday so please let friends and family know that now is the best time to register for a space – they will be welcomed to our new parents evening on the 14th May, have a home visit and session visit all in time for the end of this term.