Autumn Term Week 7

As we head towards the half term break we have spent our week continuing to explore Autumn and Halloween and being healthy. There have been lots of yoga sessions in circle times and Halloween craft ready to bring home at the end of the week, witches hats, autumn sun catchers, pumpkins and spiders!

We would like to apologise again for having to close for the day on Tuesday due to the power cut. Work was being carried out by pre-school by an electricity company who had let the houses know they would be without power from 9-3PM but had not send us a letter as on their plans, we did not have a name or address! We will be getting in touch after half term to offer you a session back, apart from the children who attend for 30 hours as this is the maximum that we are open so we are sadly not able to offer an additional day back to you.

The team spent the day cleaning and tidying and sorting and completing lots of work on learning journeys ready to share with you at our parent consultation weeks in the next half term.

We also took the Moon group to St Andrew’s Church on Thursday and the Sun group on Friday and had a really enjoyable time there, we wish Carrie well as she leaves her role there and thank her for all her support and kindness to us over the years. Thank you very much to the parents and grandparents that helped us to walk to Church, we would not be able to go on the trips without support to keep the children safe on the road so thank you again.

Our Grandparent’s coffee mornings are now full – we look forward to those on our return from half term.

We wish you all a very happy half term – if you are looking for ideas there are so many great activities on

See you all w/c Monday 30th October!