Autumn Term Week 6

This half term has gone so quickly – only one week left before we close for a week. The children are so settled and learning so much at their group times. We have had a focus on being healthy this week which will continue into next week as well, leading up to our half term break. Halloween will creep into our play next week and we will have lots of craft going on which we will send home for you to use to decorate your home if you take part in Halloween! Lots of the children are talking about Halloween and Home Bargains is full of bits and pieces to buy!

Our circle times in Star have been focused on learning to be independent and recognising our bags and shoes and coats, practising taking shoes on and off and the stars are amazing! They chopped up their own snack and poured their own mil and water, talked about how to keep clean and washing hands, brushing teeth and hair and also enjoyed some wonderful Autumn craft as well.

The Sun and Moon groups have also been working on independence and self care skills and can all take their shoes off and put them back on independently which is brilliant – especially as we move towards wetted weather when the children need to be able to take off their shoes, put wellies on and be ready to go and play outside in the puddles! They have been learning about their bodies, bones and muscles, skin and our brain, feelings and exercise, self care and healthy foods.

Outside we have been working on our strength buy crawling and playing sports and playground games like What’s the time Mr Wolf! Our bike repair and wash shop has also been full of chatter and turn taking and hard work!

Our Forest School groups have made wands outside in the garden and explored the mud kitchen and lit fires and have their lovely hot chocolate and story time. We continue these sessions whatever the weather and the groups swap after half term – MOON on a THURSDAY and SUN on a FRIDAY.

We would like to invite Grandparents in for a coffee morning on Monday 30th October OR Wednesday 1st November – from  9.45-10.45 – we will have some Halloween and Bonfire Night craft available and a coffee or tea and a cake! The invitation will come out today and please RSVP by Wednesday 18 OCTOBER to

Next week we will be off to the Church with two groups – Moon on Thursday with Amelia and the Sun group on Friday with Louise W. We would love your help to walk there and stay with us for the hour – it is a lovely trip and we do need walkers to make it possible – please call into the office if you or a grandparent can help – 01884 35018

We hope you all have a lovely weekend, our newsletter was published yesterday and we will be handing out more key worker info next week for you and some photos from the first half of term!