Autumn Term Week 8

Welcome back after a half term holiday to all our families, we have had a lovely if slightly shorter week that we would like. We are so sorry that we were not able to open on Thursday – the advice from Devon County Council was to close but when we awoke on Thursday morning the storm seemed to much less of a concern so we are glad everyone was safe and we will be offering replacement sessions to the children over the coming weeks.

The highlight of our first week back has been the two Grandparents mornings. On Monday and Wednesday we welcomed lots of Grandparents in to spend time with their grandchildren, making Halloween craft on Monday and Bonfire night craft on Wednesday. We have 26 Grandparents in total and it was a lovely morning, with a coffee and a cake and a play in the sunshine – we have had lovely feedback and we really hope they all had a wonderful time with us. We will arrange another afternoon tea in the summer term and if any Grandparents would like to help us on trips we would be very grateful.

Our circle times have been full of craft and exercise this week! Our learning this half term focuses on being healthy and we will be sharing lots of ideas via this blog and facebook and email around diet and sleep and physical activity and oral hygiene.

The Star group have been enjoying lots of dancing and Halloween Yoga moves, making glitter fireworks, blow painting fireworks and some lovely ribbon dancing and circle songs such as hokey cokey and head shoulders, knees and toes!

The Sun and Moon group have also made lots of Halloween and Bonfire night craft too – fireworks pictures, salt dough pumpkins and rockets alongside learning how to be safe around fireworks, some Halloween dance moves and building independence with dressing up.

Next week we will be moving towards building on our space theme with activities and learning inside and role play outside – we would love donations of plastic bottles – the big coke bottle size please so that we can make rocket packs! We will continue our literacy focus for the half term as well, working on story times and talking about books.

We hope you all have a dry, safe and happy Fireworks Night!