Summer Term Week 7

Welcome back to everyone following a wonderful sunny half term! The sun has been shining all week at preschool and most children have been outside all day, apart from their circle times and lunchtime! They are encouraged to wear sun hats outside and our garden is quite a sun trap so please do remember to put sun cream on in the mornings. We take the water bottle trolley outside during free flow and refill bottles for the children but please do let us know if you don’t think your child is drinking enough and we can keep an eye on that.

Our week has been full of learning about life cycles ahead of our caterpillars arriving at the end of the week and we have also been learning about jobs. Our sun room free flow activity has been to explore a different job each morning and afternoon and we have had some brilliant conversations about work and who goes to work in each home so do take time to explain your job to your child as some have no idea what you do at work and they are often very surprised that we are also Mummies and that we don’t live at pre-school!

Star circle – have had a lovely week of activities and learning, life cycle work, exploring letters, craft and learning about minibeasts and counting legs and wings.

Moon and Sun circle – we have learnt all about life cycles in so many ways, jellyfish, frogs and butterflies – through craft and videos and fact files and dancing and songs and games.

During free flow we have been singing and dancing and reading books about food and stories about food and exploring ice alongside fairytales and playdough.

Forest School has started again for the older groups now, Suns for 3 weeks and then Moons for 2 and one group one at the end which will include and parents and grandparents that would like to come along.

We will be having our grandparents afternoon tea on the 18th and 20th June so invitations will come shortly and we have lots of school trips that we will need help to take the children to. Willowbank and St Andrews also have Stay and Play sessions that you take your child to and then bring them back to pre-school if it is a usual pre-school day but we will set up a text reminder for those.

We are having a gardening and water week next week so any donations of compost would be brilliant please!