Summer Term Week 4

CONGRATUALTIONS to Michelle – Rhi and Nick for jumping out of a plane to raise money for pre school! They are so brave and have raised over £3000 between them!

After our Coronation celebrations at the weekend there were lots of lovely stories of parties from the children and lots of chatter about our new King!

We have been working on learning about Countries and our community in circle times with the Sun and Moon groups and had great fun looking up houses on google images and choosing photos of buildings in Cullompton and drawing our town. There is a lovely display in the Moon room of the building and the quotes too. The group also talked about their families, learnt about France, learnt to say hello in different languages and talked about how they get to the different places in our town.

The Star group had a colour theme for the week and there are some great photos on the gallery of them in group times. The Stars are loving forest school and again there are some really beautiful photos to look at.

We had a really colourful week with bright playdoh and rainbow activities and large scale mark making and painting in the sun room during free flow.

Construction outside and some fantastic building work going on, lots of moving heavy equipment and building blocks and some exercise too.

We are going to be working hard on our growing garden over the next few weeks and planting seeds and vegetables and will be learning about growth and change.

This week we are also focusing on more painting and mark making, outside playground games and more construction!