Spring Term Week 7

Welcome back after a lovely half term break, all the children were happy to be back and have been full of chat and pleased to see their friends and ladies!

This week we have been playing in our role play circus and fairground in the garden and we will carry this on for a few weeks. We have played lots of different games such as hook a duck, hoopla, skittles and a coconut shy – we would LOVE real coconuts if anyone some across some over the weekend! We have some lovely photos from our play in the garden.

Next week we will carry on with those games and also some circus skills too.

We will be reading lots of books as it is World Book Day at the end of the week and we are off to the library for a lovely trip as well. Thanks to everyone who helps us with our walking trips – we are so grateful as the children really love to get out and about with us and look forward to trips.

Our sun table has been animal heaven, we have been creating and making and learning all about exotic animals and using the ipad to watch video’s and see the animals in their real habitat and we love using our non-fiction books for exploration too. It is a lovely topic and we all enjoy watching the children be inspired and excited in their learning. We will be concentrating on animals in our circle times as well so please feel free to email in and let us know of any exciting animals you have seen at the Zoo or on any exciting travels.

We always love Pancake Day at preschool and it never fails to make the children laugh when tossing the pancakes! Michelle brought in her camping stove and cooked the pancakes in front of the children while I made them in the sun room with the other group, they were all delicious! The blog photo was taken by Betsy! What a brilliant action shot of Michelle!

Circle times were all about pancake day on Monday and Tuesday, exploring ingredient together and making the batter. This group really love to bake. The Sun and Moons designed their ideal pancake toppings and had pancake races and competitions and made a tally chart for their favourite toppings too. We also looked at their learning journeys and talked about being special to people and who they loved and that their key person is their special lady here at preschool. All of the children were engrossed in looking at their photos and spotting their family in their books.

The Star group experimented with the ingredients for the pancake batter and chose their favourite fruits to put onto a pancake. They have explored making their own paints as well, full of interesting textures and smells and created an aquarium for our animal zone in the sun room.

The Forest School sessions have been learning about woodlice and searching for them in the garden, under logs and leaves and we will be on the look out for some frogspawn as well soon for learning about life cycles.

Parent Consultation appointments are available now for you to book in and catch up on progress and see your child’s special book too, please get in touch with Mandy in the office to make an appointment.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!