On this page you will find a selection of our policies, the ones we consider that parents would find useful and informative. If you would like to see our full set of policies they are available and can be emailed upon request.
A full list of our policies are at the bottom of this page with their review periods.
If you would like us to send you a copy of any of our policies, please contact us using the link on this website or if your child is attending our pre-school please speak to the office on 01884 35018 or email [email protected].
All polices are reviewed on an annual/bi-annual or tri-annual basis by the Management Team and reviewed by the Committee.
8.0 Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy
Children’s Rights and Entitlements
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
Confidentiality and Client Access to Records
Online and E Safety/ICT Safety
Outdoor Play Areas and Forest School safety
Parent partnerships
The role of the key person – settling children in
Working in partnership with parents and other agencies/professionals
SEND and inclusion and Behaviour support
Promoting Inclusion, Neurodiversity and Equality
Supporting Neurodiversity and Children with SEND
Managing Children with Allergies
Food and Drink and Oral Health
Our Setting and our Ethos
Environmental Awareness Policy
Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits
Maintaining Children’s Safety and Security on Premises