Spring Term Week 8

Fossils, saltdough lollipops, flowers and photos, jars and hand made labels, making bones from sponges, finding dinosaurs, mud, more mud, mud kitchen, cleaning the mud kitchen, water, rain, more rain, puddles and bubbles, a zoo, a farm, a jungle, zoo leaflets from Tesco, a trip to Home Bargains, making homes for animals, painting, balloon painting, animal facts, watercolour painting, drawing on huge pieces of paper, singing, story time, more singing, music and finger action songs – just a snapshot of the activities and fun we have during free flow!

We really believe in a mixture of child led, adult led and free play and we plan lots of activities that are available to the children and in addition we have our teaching times during our circles too!

This week we have  – talked about “special ladies” at preschool, each child had a key person who supports them, chats to their family, creates their learning journey and shares info with the team about that child and how they are getting along and if there are any worries. The children adore the ladies at pre-school, they are a really kind and loving bunch of children and they really enjoyed talking about which ladies were special to them. We have had a literacy theme as well and the children have read and written stories, enjoyed story sacks and learnt animal facts to support the role play in our zoo and had a trip to Home Bargains to buy some flowers and look at the Mother’s Day displays. We have been rhyming, learning letter sounds, playing letter games and listened to stories in different languages – Polish, Latvian and Mandarin so far to support children in our setting who are bi or tri lingual.

Forest School sessions have now swapped over so Moons enjoy that session on a Thursday and Sun’s on a Friday now and the Star group will access Forest School for the first half of the summer term. The Forest School sessions continued despite the rain and there are some wonderful photos with lots of team work with the water play, making rivers and boats!

Our weeks are so busy and we try hard to share info but we have started to write a few of our activities each day on a whiteboard for you to spot when you come to collect your child – we know that they key people for each family can be spread around our setting at pick up but please do always go and find them or ask where they are for an update. We have parent consultations starting next week and we look forward to sharing progress with you and listening to any worries you may have too.