Spring Term Week 5

New ladies have arrived!! We are thrilled to announce that we have 3 new ladies joining our team here to support the children. We have Zoe who is very experienced and qualified and will take on key children and work in all areas of our provision and Beth and Misbah – both have children at our preschool and join us as lunchtime assistants and will also support children curing free flow and activities and story time. We are really pleased to welcome them and know that they will all be really popular with the children here and will support team in a professional way.

Our new children who joined in January have settled in and are learning the routines really well and taking part in circle times too.

Sun and Moon – have had a focus on life cycles and growth and change this week with some fantastic activities to support learning and turn taking and they have also been working on fine motor strength, playing games and working hard as teams and individually to complete challenges.

Star group – have also learnt about life cycles and created some amazing art work and completed activities to support strength. Being physically strong and co-ordinated is absolutely linked to learning and writing and concentration and the Star group enjoyed using the tweezers to pick up small items and work with a partner to complete the challenges, they used claves and playdoh as well to build co-ordination and strength. Lots of singing and a focus on the caterpillar/butterfly life cycle worked really well for them.

In our free flow we are working on understanding questions, talking about why and how and using science to inspire the children to ask questions. The process is the important part bot the end result as we all tend to discover when our lava lamps don’t work or we run out of vinegar half way through making raisins dance! It all teaches the children that resilience, carrying on after a mistake and even making mistakes are all fine and can be overcome.

Potions, mini beasts, bikes, construction outside, shaving foam concrete, cards and roads and gutters and balls and litter picking, moving tyres, making a table and finger gym all complete a lovely week.

Next week we are learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year and Valentines Day before we finish for a half term break and we will be half way through our academic year! Our committee have set up a Valentines Colouring Competition with a lovely prize of a teddy and chocolates and nice pens so please enter with a sheet available from the office for £1! Thank you