Spring Term Week 11

We are so lucky to have such a fun group of children this year, they just love to have a go at whatever we plan and organise and make the very most of it all – learning and playing at the same time which is just how it should be. There are some lovely photos of them this week – concentrating, laughing, engrossed in their play, exploring different textures and learning new skills in our circus activities and in our shape work over the week.

We have had a focus on 2D and 3D shapes, learning new vocabulary and how to use shapes and shape is such an important part of maths that we use going forward in our lives.

Circle times – the Sun and Moon groups have enjoyed lots of shape work, making shapes, sorting them and other games. We have also been learning about journeys and talking and planning and using photos of Cullompton to talk about how we get to pre-school and where we walk and what we see around us. The Moons had a lovely walk up to the town to take photos of the shops that are familiar to us.

The Star group did some shape tracing, painted with shapes, made pictures with shapes and matched shapes! They also talked about journeys and drew maps.

We are looking forward to our two Easter craft mornings next week and Lisa from Tesco is coming on Monday for an Easter Egg hunt as well. There will be lots of fun and craft and colour around next week as we head towards the Easter holidays.