Spring Term Week 1

We have had a wonderful first 4 days back at pre-school – the children bounded in with big smiles on Tuesday and were full of stories from home about Christmas and their gifts and happy times! Thank you again from us all for the lovely chocolates and presents and cards we received.

Our hospital role play has been a great success and we have heard some brilliant tales to trips to hospital for the children, their siblings or family – we even have the X-Ray’s from someone’s Grandad’s foot after he fell off some scaffolding – the X-Ray is fascinating because it shows the metal that he now has in his foot. Please do send in any baby scans or X-Rays that you might have! We are continuing to have that role play inside next week alongside an activity table which will focus on being healthy.

Outside we will be enjoying construction role play – lot of large scale building and planning and designing and drawing and transporting to keep the children engaged and develop their imaginative play.

Forest School has started again in our new fantastic shelter – the sun group take part on a Thursday morning and the Moons on a Friday morning, please do wrap them up warmly and we supply the waterproofs.

Circle times are going to be based on Maths and literacy in the sun and moon groups and have a theme of health and wellbeing too. We will also be learning about the change in seasons and learning lots about our garden and what we can grow and where food comes from too.

We spend time developing the children’s independence and have a few riles that we like them to follow – they get lots of praise and stickers when they complete some important tasks – please support us with this at home and encourage the following:-

Hanging their own coat on a peg when they take it off

Putting their own shoes on

Recognising their bag and shoes and coat

Help to tidy up toys

All these things help them at the end of the day when they collect their belongings and come to story time in each room.

Next week we are learning about healthy foods and will be trying new fruits and foods. We would love donations of the following items to help please :-

Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, cornflour, shave foam, cheese, tinned pineapple and tomato puree!

The Star group have loved their week talking about their favourite TV shows and characters, dancing along to Sticky Kids and exploring treasure baskets and drawing around their hands and using fingers to count.

The Sun and Moon group have had a very varied week, talking about Christmas, drawing their presents, making thank you cards, they have played feelings games, learnt about 3D and 2 D shapes and talked about their experiences of hospitals and the doctors – some really fantastic vocabulary and chatter.