Autumn Term Week 9

A lovely settled week at pre-school and a wonderful time was had at our two Grandparents coffee mornings, the children really loved to welcome them and show them around and play and we hope all of the Grandparents enjoyed their morning here and their hot drinks and scones! Thank you to them all for coming and we will organise another one in the summer term on a different day of the week.

We have been really busy over the last week, another Robot Reg visit which was fantastic and a visit from a lovely lady called Carol who introduced us to story massage, and it was amazing. I have put some photos onto the blog and you will see the children sitting in a circle facing each other’s back and Carol reads us a story and demonstrates the massage movements and the children followed her instructions beautifully. It is voluntary to take part and a really good message is that each child asked their friends if they wanted a massage and children can say no.

We have been continuing our space theme and have been learning about all the planets and we have a great display in our cloakroom and in our moon room of the work we have done.

Thank you to all families who donated items for our pantry and kitchen snack cupboards – you have been incredibly generous and our cupboards are full. We are really grateful and this will save us a really good chunk of our shopping budget which can then be spent on resources for the children so thank you very much.

There are some lovely Forest School photos from last week and this on the blog – the children have been making leaf crowns this week and they focus on a minibeast each week. This week is it ants! They have learnt that ants have 6 legs, they can taste and smell and feel with their antenna and do not have ears. Two children found spiders and counted their legs, learning that spiders have more legs than ants and our frogs are still in the pond too.

Circle times have been space based as well as building on listening skills too. We have enjoyed making planets, playing a Nina and the Neurons game on the computer, balloon blast off and counting our space money too. The Stars have been practising learning about questions, who what and where and making houses and talking about their family. They learnt a solar system song and painted some moons too.

Other activities have included space role play outside and we have been so thrilled to hear children talking about planets and discussing the different colours and names during their play. We have built worlds on the floor of the sun room, a jungle and train track and farm and our town using photos we have printed. We have enjoyed lots of singing and stories and finger gym to strengthen hands.

Next week we will be enjoying soft play inside if it rains, we will be setting up a theatre outside to practise our performance skills as we will start to learn our Christmas songs ready for our amazing Nativity in St Andrew’s Church. The weeks will race past and we will send home a few of the songs for you to practice at home in a couple of weeks.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend