Autumn Term Week 4

Our theme for circle times this week in all groups has been “Fascinating objects”! – the group leaders bring in items from home or exciting special sets that we have here to create awe and wonder for the children and it has been a brilliant week as you will see from the gallery photos.

Items have included a huge keyboard, a light plasma ball, early years mobile phones, remote controlled cars, a flashing ball and fidget spinner, a soda stream, metal detectors and creating lava lamps and volcanoes! What a wide range of really fun and exciting toys and experiences for the children to learn from and they have been wonderful listeners and turn takers.

Our outside theme has been a focus on potion making and sensory trays with lots of adult supported role play in the farm shop. Next week our playhouse will turn into an office for a construction site and we will be building all week with large scale bricks and other sets outside, adding in mark making and designing and drawing and counting and planning and lots and lots of talking!

The Forest School groups have enjoyed mild weather and are loving the atmosphere in the back garden, looking for frogs and found 3. Sophie prepared an activity called Hapa Zome – creating art work on material using plants and flowers found in the garden, it is an ancient Japanese art form. Following our overall theme of creating awe and wonder the two groups opened up the spiky outers to discover the beautiful conkers inside – a lovely fire and hot chocolate and been able to spend quality time with each of the children creates a wonderful session.

We have been learning lots about our families and their different cultures and celebrations and with one family we have learnt about the Chinese Moon Festival Celebration and the children made lanterns after one of our Mum’s showed us how to do it and gave us some wonderful information about the special day for them, sometimes called the Mooncake festival.

Inside during free flow we have also set animals free (see facebook for photos!) – excellent for problem solving and fine and gross motor skills, made soup and bread and fruit kebabs, mini pizza’s, frozen veg and chatting about healthy food and writing our own recipes.

Next week we are moving to construction outside following lots of interest inside in that area, we will also be doing more cooking and creating on the sun table during free flow, exploring Autumn as a season and changes that happen towards winter.

Please remember to send in your family selfies, we have started the display and the children LOVE seeing themselves on the wall – send all family photos to me