Autumn Term Week 14

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas!

We have had a very quiet week with so much illness around us, we really hope that those children and staff who have been unwell are on the mend and it really does sound like a terrible and very contagious sickness/flu bug. By Friday we only had two staff available to work so we are very sorry for closing the Star group on the Friday but had no other available option to us.

The children were absolutely wonderful at our two Christmas performances and we were thrilled to have such lovely emails and comments from you, it means the world to us and we are also very grateful for all the cards and gifts and boxes of chocolates (all stored ready for the January term!!).

The am and pm parties were great fun and the photos from each party are on the parent gallery now.

Have a lovely break and we return on TUESDAY 2nd January 2024!