Autumn Term Week 13

We have loved seeing everyone’s Christmas jumpers this week and we have been taking lots of photos of the children enjoying their week ready for a slide show while you wait for us to start our performance in the church on Tuesday! Hopefully you will enjoy seeing the pictures of all the children taking part in activities and play over the week. We are really excited about our performance next Tuesday – please do chat to your child about the change to their usual day, we won’t be at pre-school at all on Tuesday and this may unsettle some of the children. They have been practising lots and the songs are sounding excellent now so we hope having an audience won’t make everyone too shy! Please feel free to share the live stream with your family, we won’t be recording the Nativity and the link will be live for 30 minutes after each show so is not saved online to watch later. You are welcome to record the performance but we do not have permission for anyone to share it online so please don’t post to any social media.

We have been making lots of Christmas decorations over the week which we will send home in your child’s basket and we are delivering all the Christmas cards too and thank you very much for our cards too!

Next week will be full of games and fun as always and we will be taking out our soft play equipment to support exercise inside as well and building tricky obstacle courses outside. We will be learning some yoga moves as well and some party games and dancing to Christmas songs will happen too! Our plans also include creating some lovely Christmas trays and reading stories with the children.

Our circle times this week have had a Christmas theme of course, and we have been making scenery for the play. The children have tried on their costumes and played Christmas sound matching games, made snowmen, played hide and snap, Christmas pairs games and learnt about Christmas around the world. The stars have enjoyed lots of Christmas pattern matching and made extra Christmas cards and learnt number songs and talked about textures and favourite books too.

We have been very busy outside, splashing in very muddy puddles after the rain and cycling the bikes through the mud pits the children have made! We then took time to wash the bikes together with some warm soapy water. We are wrapping all the children up in waterproof trousers and coats and we do our best but they will come home muddy at times after enjoying a great time outside.

We would love donations of any outgrown Christmas jumpers if possible please and a huge thank you to everyone who has donated bows and ribbons for us and socks and crafty bits and some amazing Christmas fabric decorations which we have made into lovely wreaths for the Christmas performance!

Next week is our last week before the holidays and we will be back on Tuesday 4th January.