Autumn Term Week 10

We have enjoyed a week full of dancing and singing and putting on performances with our theatre role play – we are hoping to build lots of confidence ahead of our Christmas performances. We have played a really great range of songs from favourite movies and we have had a lot of fun, dressing up as characters and learning the words to songs and new dance moves!

This week has been a really interesting week of learning, we started the week with Diwali celebrations, making Rangoli patterns in many different ways and learning about the story of Rama and Sita. We have ended the week by learning about Pudsey Bear and we have talked about how he helps to raise money to keep children safe and happy and healthy. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation into our Pudsey pot.

In the middle of our celebrations we have also had a focus on literacy. This is a key are for the children and our aim is to foster a love of reading and story time. There are many ways in which we do this – this week we have had a different story sack each morning, we repeat stories at lunchtimes to ensure that all children get to know a book really well and can talk about the characters and remember the key words and parts of the story. The children will learn many skills with us over the year in this area. Next week we will be learning about fairy tales – including building our own beanstalk in the Sun room.

We really hope everyone is feeling better soon and that the advice we have shared has been useful over the week.

Outside we have been cosy in our reading corner, enjoying story time in small groups and keeping track of who we have read to there while other children have been working hard on our obstacle courses, keeping warm by moving and challenging themselves.

Forest School has been a great success again, along with Robot Reg coming to visit – the Sun and Moon groups really do have an exciting Thursday/Friday session! Sadly we had to cancel our trip to Willowbank School on Thursday but we will try to rearrange that.

Christmas plans are coming along, the new play has been written by Andrea and I have lots of post its from her on my desk with her Christmas ideas! We would love donations of the following items please to support her vision!

Pool noodle, white, brown and pale blue sheets, paper plates, large pieces of cardboard, tinsel, wrapping paper and wrapping ribbon, shiny paper and long cardboard tubes please!

We will start to practice the songs over the coming weeks so you may hear some Christmassy singing soon!