Supporting children with SEND

We have a very strong commitment to supporting children with additional need and have a wealth of experience in working with families and children who need extra support. Please read through the additional pages which detail more about the SEN ethos within our setting. Andrea Parker is our SENDCo, supported by Louise Waring as a SEN assistant who works within our speech and language provision and the SEN overview is led by Amelia Joyner – our Pre School Leader.



Special Educational Need and Disabilities Local Offer

What is the Local Offer?

The Local Offer has been introduced to make sure that families and carers can easily find out what information and services are available, in their local area, for children and young people who have special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities.  These public services could cover education, health or social care.

Why do we have a Local Offer?

The Children and Families Bill requires that by law all local authorities provide and share information for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Cullompton Pre-School Induction

We hold a New Parents Evening where you get to meet our Pre School Leader (Amelia Joyner), the SENDCO (Andrea Parker) and our Admin Manager (Mandy Goff).  It is an informal evening where you will be given the chance to speak to the staff about any concerns you may have and is great information gathering opportunity.

Every child joining Cullompton Pre-School will have a home visit from two members of staff, this is normally our SENDCO with her Assistant.  During this visit they get to know your child and family.  An “All About Me” form is filled out, asking questions about their likes and interests, strengths and needs, how best to help them settle in, any worries parents may have and medical/allergies information.

Following this visit you get to come in for a session with your child, you meet your child’s Key Worker, let your child familiarise themselves with the facilities, play with the other children and experience time here with the knowledge that you are here too.

SENDCO (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-Ordinator)

Our SENDCO is Andrea Parker and she has over 15 years experience working in the early years sector and has been Cullompton Pre-School’s SENDCO for many years.  She has received SENCO training and attends local SENCO meetings with other early years providers.  Where necessary she can access the support from outside agencies and professionals including the Area SENCO, Communication and Interaction team, Speech and Language etc.  Andrea welcomes the support of professionals that support the children and acts upon the advice they have given.

Any decision relating to your child is made with your consent or the person with parental responsibility.  If it is felt that your child may benefit from the support of an outside agency/professional Andrea or your Key Person will discuss this with you and gain your permission before contacting them.

Monitoring and Assessments

Once the children settle into Pre-School the Key Workers will complete and “On Entry Form” or a 2 Year Progress Check depending on their age.  Both reports provide parents/carers with a written summary of their child’s development and may indicate if there is an additional need.

The On Entry Form determines whether the Key Worker believes that your child is “On Track” or “Nurture”.  “On Track” means that they are meeting the appropriate targets for their age and “Nurture” means that they may need some support in certain areas.

The 2 year progress check looks closely at the three prime areas of learning and development:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

Key Worker

All children at Cullompton Pre-School have their own Key Person who will work very closely with them and get to know them as an individual.  The role of the Key Person is to build a close relationship with your child and the parents/carers to enable sharing of information and to identify a possible need.

If parents/carers have any questions or concerns at any time they can meet with their Key Person to discuss their child’s progress and development.

Parent/Carer relationship

We are a very welcoming and friendly and pre-school and have very good relationships with our families.  Along with our Parent chats we can also put in place a Home/Pre School communication book when required. All parents are given a newsletter each month which gives lots of information about events and pre-school life. We also have notice boards outside Pre-School which display information and posters and we have a Facebook page which is updated regularly.

We have daily opportunities at the end of sessions when you are welcome to speak to us about your child. We are always available to spend time with parents to discuss their child’s progress and development, and to help you support your child.

We hold parent’s evenings when your child’s Special Book will be shared with you and your child’s learning, development and progress will be discussed with you. A Next Steps form will be shared with you each half term with activities for you to try at home.

We are a Committee run pre-school and parents are invited to join to help with the running of the Pre-School and organising fundraising events etc.

We hold craft mornings where you are welcome to come and join us along with Grandparent’s Coffee mornings, summer fetes, bingo evenings etc.

Supporting the wellbeing of young children with SEND

Your child’s day-to-day well-being will be managed by their Key Person. An individual risk assessment maybe carried out. Staff are experienced in supporting children with allergies and some members of staff have completed Basic Food Hygiene training.

We are flexible in our routines to provide a positive environment for your child’s needs and provide personal care such as nappy changing and toileting. Intimate Care Plans can be implemented if needed and staff will be trained in giving the appropriate medication for your child if required. Parents will be requested to put in writing any medication needs. Most members of staff are trained first-aiders and any first aid given will be documented for you to sign. All members of staff are trained in child protection and safeguarding and we have two named safeguarding officers. All staff have been DBS checked.

We have policies in place for managing behavioural and emotional development. Amelia is our Behaviour Support Officer.  We promote positive behaviour and staff are trained to support this. Should your child display unwanted behaviour then we will work with you and your child to provide a consistent and planned approach to improve the behaviour. You child will be involved in the development of this approach.

Activities will be adapted to ensure your child is able to interact fully with the environment. Visual strategies such as makaton and a visual timetable are used to help them understand our routines. We have a nurture room to retreat to if your child is tired or needs some quiet time.

Your child will be given the opportunity to voice their own views and ideas and express their needs to their Key Person and all members of staff.

Staff Training and Experience in Supporting Young Children with SEND

Almost all of our staff in ratio hold either a Level 2 or Level 3 qualification in child care and have many years of experience. We have an experienced and trained SENCO and extra staff who support inclusion work with children with SEND or emotional difficulties.

Staff have attended speech, language and communication training, promoting positive behaviour training, English as an additional language training and the SENCO regularly attends SENCO forums.  Some staff are trained to deliver the Let’s Talk More Programme, all children joining the setting take part in this.

Staff continually update their training.send info leaflet 2024 from Andrea

Amelia, the Pre School Leader, is a qualified Thrive practitioner.  Thrive promotes positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in children and young people.

Our staff have also received training on specific subjects to help support children with special needs e.g. Sensory issues etc.

Specialist services and expertise accessed by Cullompton Pre School

Our staff are trained in all areas of children’s development.

We work alongside Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapists, Area SENCOs, Early Years Complex Needs, Communication and Interaction team and Specialist Teachers.

Outings with children with SEND

All children are welcome to attend trips. Prior to the trip the pre-school will discuss with parents the best way for their child to access the activity and a risk assessment will be undertaken. Additional staff can be included to give enhanced attention to the child or the child’s parent/carer will be invited to attend the trip. We would also take with us any aids or medication your child needs.


Our Accessible Environment

Our main entrance is wheelchair accessible.  We have one large disabled toilet with hand rails. We also have four child-size toilets with low level hand washing basins.

Our garden areas are both wheelchair accessible, with ramps in place.

We are happy to work with families and physiotherapists to access any specialist equipment needed.

We have experience of working with families who have English as an additional language and we use visual timetables to support routines and aid communications. Parents are welcome to nominate a representative who speaks English. Our daily notice board lists activities of the day including snack foods.

A variety of signs and posters are displayed around our Pre-School showing multi-cultural words and pictures.

Preparing your child for transition to school

When it is time for your child to move onto primary school, early years teachers from all local schools are invited into pre-school to meet the children. The primary school will invite you to visit them for a variety of activity sessions.  We sometimes take the children on a visit to our local schools.  We have experience of supporting children with special needs who are transitioning to new schools. We attend transition planning meetings with teachers from the new school so that strategies are shared to ensure a smooth transition as possible.  If required the SENCO can support them on their school visits.

A transition document is shared with the new school so that they have a good understanding of the child’s needs.

How do we organise resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND?

We carefully access, monitor and review each individual’s needs. Resources are then allocated so that all children can have full access to the equipment and setting’s areas of learning. We are able to apply for funding which enables us to provide enhanced adult support to work with your child if needed. This funding can also be used to purchase resources which may be needed to support your child.  If required we can access any specific training.

How do we decide on appropriate support for young children with SEND?

We use the graduated approach. There are four stages of action – assess, plan, do and review.  The SENCO will then set targets and create an Individual Care Plan (IEP) working with outside agencies if appropriate.   The IEP will detail the support and strategies being put into place. All members of staff will be made aware of this plan. You will be given copies of your child’s new targets and IEPs to review.

How we involve all parents/carers in our setting

We are always seeking ways to involve our parents in our setting. We use questionnaires so that parents can air their views and comments.  We also have a Facebook page and a Parents Facebook Page.

Who to contact for further information

We always encourage prospective parents/carers and children to visit us. More detailed information is also available in our setting’s policies.

Further information can be obtained by:

Telephone: 01884 35018

