Autumn Term Week 2 2022

What a wonderful week we have had, we have introduced some role play into our week which has been brilliant – the fire station play has been really fun and the children have really engaged in that play. We have used our circle times to teach fire safety and look at fire engines and watch video’s on kidstube as well. The teaching in those circles then comes out in their play and we have some great photos on the blog. We also took the Moon group out to the Fire Station in Cullompton and enjoyed peeking into the windows to look at the fire engine and we chatted all the way there and back! We have made walkie talkies, fire extinguishers, a fire station office and even small pretend fires to put out around pre-school!

Outside has also been a base for lots of large scale mark making which is great for arm and shoulder strength, painting the fence and spray bottle painting and using items in our garden to paint – blackberries and mud and grass too, all squished up and used for creating pictures.

Another highlight of the week was our walk with all of the children – 27 in all to the Proclamation of the King in the Bull Ring on Monday, it was very sobering to think about the loss of the Queen and share the moment about the new King with the children and give him 3 cheers and one chap also remembered to say “God Save the King” at the end, nice and loudly and that made everyone smile.

The circle times for Sun and Moons have been great, learning the routines is going well and we have also enjoyed some story sacks which the children have loved, we have learnt about fire safety as well and explored the back garden and took time together to draw the items that we found.

We have been writing settling in notes for our new starters so we will share those with you next week, your key person will hand you the notes they have made and we will be working on ideas to support play and learning at home over the coming weeks to share as well. There is a section on our website for home learning and also our planning sheets are available which have ideas as well.

Next week we will start Forest School for the Sun and Moon groups and you will have a letter explaining what we do, no need for any extra clothes or boots as we have all of the kit here and we will look forward to sharing the photos from those sessions.

We will also be exploring Harvest, making bread, setting up Farm shop role play which supports communication and language, learning about money and the world around us, creative arts and writing and numbers on the price labels! We would love donations of vegetables (hard ones please like potatoes and carrots and swedes) and food colouring and brown labels for pricing and lemon squeezers too!

Have a lovely weekend and we will be thinking of the Queen and her family on Monday.